Values - Brilliance - Purpose
What is it you want to get out of this?
“The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.
When we talk about employability through the lens of mindset, what we mean is that how you show up in a situation - your perspective, your experience, your energy and your judgements - has a profound effect on the outcome. In the words of Henry Ford: “If you think you can or you think you can’t - you’re right.”
This is why, at the heart of our employability training, we have a framework for mindset that can have a massive impact on how you show up in professional situations like job interviews - and the results that you get. The framework is:
Values - Brilliance - Purpose
We start with Values, and the simple question of: what do you value? What is important to you? When we think about “What do I want to get out of this?” it’s vital to know what you care about, what energises you, gets you out of bed in the morning (we talked recently about waking up without an alarm clock - much easier when you know your day is full of things you care about.) Exploring this question can help with factors like energy, motivation, prioritising to name but a few. But perhaps most importantly, understanding your Values helps you to stay strong and stay safe in a variety of situations, giving you the confidence to represent yourself and pursue the outcome you are aiming for.
Brilliance is so important to us, it’s in the name of our company. People are Brilliant; in terms of the skills and talents they have, but also just their inherent qualities and ways of being. One skill many of us are under-developed in is recognising our own Brilliance, and being able to talk about it. When you’re in a job interview, pursuing a promotion or simply trying to do your best, understanding what you have to offer and the impact it can have will boost your chances of success, as well as supporting you to develop your Brilliance even further.
Once you know what matters to you and what you have to offer, we come to Purpose: what do you want to use your Brilliance in service of? In other words, what do you want to do with your time, that you can bring your best self to, and what impact do you want to have? There’s a wonderful quality that comes with having a clear vision for yourself, that’s grounded in something that is meaningful to you, and that you know is accurate. “I know that I am an excellent candidate, and I want to come and work in this role so that I can make things better around here.” Can you imagine what a joy it would be to have that person on your team?
Exploring for yourself your Values, Brilliance and Purpose will allow you to show up in situations, whether it’s an interview, a meeting with a coach or an important day at work, with a favourable mindset to get the amazing results you are striving for.
Good luck with your exploration.