What if you could change the course of your life by listening to a podcast?
What's Your Work? sees host Darius Norell leading conversations with brilliant people on their personal and professional journeys, uncovering the ways in which they set themselves up for success - and the work they still have to do.
But as fascinating as these conversations are, these podcasts are really about you.
Many of us are moving through life with unanswered questions. “How am I living? Who am I? What is my life about?” Yet our opportunities to be seen, and to be supported in trying to answer these questions, can be few and far between.
What’s Your Work? was created to meet this need. To offer you a chance to go through this process with someone in a deeper way, as a fly on the wall in these intimate conversations, and get clearer on what you need to do and be in order to live the life you want.
This podcast is an expression of the Radical Employability Training methodology, which has already supported over 5,000 people in finding their voice, taking ownership of their life and bringing their dreams into reality.
It can happen for you, too. Listen here.
"The Days and Nights Are Relentlessly Passing - How Well Are You Spending Your Time?"
Reflections on the What’s Your Work? podcast
“The story really resonated with me, literally made my hairs stand up. I adore stories about overcoming adversity, as well as ones which highlight the beauty/unselfishness in others which leads to another's success.”
“There was a lot of pauses in the interview, which is quite rare to hear on podcasts. This is not a criticism, in fact it's the opposite. The pauses were after something profound was said by you, and then the host would digest what was just said and give a moment to reflect rather than rush to the next question.”