Change Your Life Right Now
““Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.””
If reading this article was going to radically change your life forever - what would it say?
The answer to this question is different for every single person reading it. But the universal truth is that, for the most part, it doesn’t matter what the answer is for each person. What does matter is that each person knows their answer.
In other words, imagine now that I am speaking directly to you. (“I” am Harry, the writer of these articles. Connect with me on LinkedIn, I’m nice. “You” are yourself.) I’m asking you: what would a life changing article say to you?
One of the most powerful skills that we can grow is the ability to know ourselves. Our brains and bodies are giving us powerful signals all the time - they’re brilliant that way. The skill we need to develop is being brilliant at reading those signals.
What is possible for you right now is to take a breath, ask yourself this question - “What would a life changing article say to me?” - and then receive the data from your brain and body in response. We’re not even trying to write the article - there’s a degree of skill and expertise and wisdom involved in that which isn’t secretly residing in your body.
But the answer to the question is.
Something in you is yearning; yearning for knowledge, or security, or forgiveness, or love. As human beings we can be really good at putting our yearning to one side, to get through the day. And that’s a useful skill. Another useful skill is picking that yearning back up again, sitting with it, understanding it, and being with it.
Something inside of you is yearning to read an article about something; something that will unlock the yearning that is inside you, where your energy wants to go.
So I ask you again: what would a life changing article say to you?
If you have your answer, congratulations: your life has just changed. You’re now ready to begin your journey towards that thing inside that calls you.
Good luck.
Want to know more about your yearning? We recently interviewed Charlie Welch, who talked about following that thing inside that lights you up. Listen to the conversation here.